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Success is something that comes from a drive within, it is waking up in the early morning hours to grind, it is going to bed late after a long day of the grind.  Success is something most want but somewhere along the way they get distracted with the fun times of life or blinded due to the hardships of it.  The path to success is windy and dark, and at times we need a hand, we need a light, we need guidance, we need leaders.  Some say that leaders are born, some say leaders are made, I say that people are born to lead.  Through life and experience people climb their way to the top of that mountain and inspire others to do the same.  Along their path, they struggle, they struggle with life, they struggle with relationships, they struggle with the institution of school, and for those that are lucky enough to have it, will struggle with their own successes.  Even the most successful leaders in society need the council of others and MyTown is to here help.  Leaders come in many different shapes and forms, some are teachers, some are coaches, some are the kids among them.  The MyTown Leadership Program is designed to tackle every aspect of fostering their leadership abilities.  By recruiting the students with the greatest potential to lead, the adult leadership provided and program curriculum offered will reveal to them their path of success as a leader.  As one grows in the program and as a leader, the drive for this success and the chance to make a difference on their teams, in their schools, and in their communities become who they are.  The achievements of those around them becomes a marker of their own success.  How does one change society, is it from the top… is it from the bottom…  It’s from the middle, it’s from those that can make an impact and influence all those around them.  Kids that are leaders will be followed by their peers, be inspirations to the young, and viewed as the hope of the future by the old.  These kids are the lights that lead the way on this dark and windy road, these kids are the reason why I’m proud to call this place MyTown.

Success in Life

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